Frequently Asked Questions about NuCLEANase®

Customer satisfaction is our number one priority and we look forward to help you with the application of NuCLEANase®Please contact our expert team for any other questions. They will support you, discuss our NuCLEANase® portfolio and how it can be used for your production processes.

Please find further documents about our NuCLEANase® products here.

Delivery & Stability

How stable is NuCLEANase® and what is the shelf-life?

The maximum NuCLEANase® shelf-life time is 24 months after product release at a storage temperature of -20°C. The best before date can be found in the CoA for the respective batch you have received. 

 At +4 °C, NuCLEANase® is stable for 3 months.  

Although we recommend to always store NuCLEANase® in a cooled environment after use, the product will not lose activity if kept at room temperature (i.e., 21°C) for max. 1 week.  

I received a smaller/bigger volume than the previous order, although I ordered the same (activity) amount. What is the reason for that?

The volumetric activity varies per batch and the filling volume will be adapted accordingly. This means that the filling volume for the same amount of activity can be different. c-LEcta guarantees a minimum of ≥ 30 MU/L, as specified in the Product Specification document. The delivered volume will exactly contain the ordered amount of NuCLEANase® activity or a bit more.  

What are the available packaging sizes of NuCLEANase®?

Two standard packages of 3 MU and 15 MU are available for sampling application and can also be ordered here. For other quantities, please inform us about your demand and we will sent you a quotation as soon as possible.  

*Please note that per company policy we sell our product in Units amount. 

Application (process conditions and more)

What are the optimal operating conditions for the NuCLEANase®?

Please request the application note to get details about the operating conditions. 

At what stage of the production process should NuCLEANase® be added?

Depending on the conditions and application NuCLEANase® can be added at any stage in your process. For applications with high nucleic acid concentrations, that often lead to viscosity increases and aggregate formations, it is recommended to add the enzyme just before or after the moment that the nucleic acids are released. In this way the recovery of your product can be optimized. For fermentation processes this is usually during the lysis step or just before the start of the downstream process.  

How much enzyme do I need for my application?

The required amount of enzyme differs per application and is depending on factors such as the nucleic acid concentration and the available digestion time. In addition, process conditions such as temperature, pH and the salt concentration also impact the enzyme activity and for this reason the optimal enzyme concentration needs to be determined per application.  

Guidance: For high nucleic acid concentrations after fermentation processes, we recommend starting at use levels of NuCLEANase® of 250 kU/kg of wet biomass (ca. 100 kU/L fermentation broth) and then adjust according to your specific process conditions.  

Do I need to remove NuCLEANase® from my final product?

NuCLEANase® is a food grade processing aid for the removal of nucleic acids. In the final product NuCLEANase® will not exert any technical function and according to the Enzyme Regulation (EC) No 1334/2008 of this reason NuCLEANase® does not to be removed from your final product.   

How can I remove/deactivate the NuCLEANase® from my final product?

There is no strict regulatory need to remove NuCLEANase® from your final food product.  However, in most cases NuCLEANase® will be used at an early stage in the manufacturing process and the enzyme activity will be reduced or removed because of the subsequent downstream process steps. 

If irreversible enzyme removal is desired, the following process steps and conditions can be recommended:
 At 48°C or above the enzyme activity will decrease rapidly. After 15 minutes practically all activity will be gone.
At 37°C the enzyme activity will decrease more moderately and approximately 2 hours will be needed for a nearly complete inactivation.
Lower temperature ranges will not have a significant impact on the irreversible enzyme activity, except in the highest pH values between 10-11.   

How much Mg2+ concentration is needed for activity of NuCLEANase®?

The enzyme requires 1-2 mM Mg2+ of Mg2+ as a co-factor. In the presence of complexing agents such as phosphate and EDTA the concentration of Mg2+ needs to be increased to a maximum of 30 mM. 

Does NuCLEANase® contain Mg2+ in the product formulation?

No, the NuCLEANase® product formulation does not contain prior added Mg2+ ions, and they need to be added accordingly 

Does the NuCLEANase® formulation have protease activity?

NuCLEANase® is produced with our proprietary expression system, which has been engineered for low proteolytic activity. Nevertheless, like other food grade enzymes we cannot guarantee the absence of proteolytic activity. In case you do have concerns about specific proteases we advise to test this specifically 


How can we detect and quantify residual host DNA in the final product?

In order to test how much residual host DNA is left in the final product, we recommend using PCR-based methods for monitoring and quantification. At your discretion external service providers can be considered for that purpose. Additionally, there are commercially available purification kits from various providers for the purpose of isolating the DNA from different matrices prior to performing the PCR detection, which could be considered and tested for your specific needs.  

We also recommend following the guidance provided by EFSA, where more details can be found on the PCR detection of residual host DNA (Link).  

Has c-LEcta submitted a food enzyme dossier to EC (EFSA) and FDA?

To our understanding, the submission of a food enzyme dossier for the nuclease is not required for its use in the manufacturing of other food enzymes used as processing aids. However, c-LEcta will submit a food enzyme dossier to EC (EFSA) to cover other possible applications of the nuclease in food manufacturing in Q4 of 2024 

Has c-LEcta submitted a GRAS Dossier to the FDA?

Yes c-LEcta has already submitted a GRAS dossier and recently also received a “no question letter” from the FDA. The listing of the GRAS Dossier for NuCLEANase® is expected soon.   

What is the regulatory status of the NuCLEANase® food grade in Denmark and France?

Regulatory submissions to the national authorities in Denmark in France are in preparation and will be submitted shortly after the submission to EC.  

Is the NuCLEANase® GMO?

No. NuCLEANase® is not GMO, it only derives from a GMM (genetically modified microorganism), but the final product is free of the production strain.  

Get in touch with our NuCLEANase® 
expert team!

We are looking forward to support you with your question. It would our pleasure to discuss NuCLEANase® and how it can be used for your production processes.

Need support? Contact me!

Simon Ulm

Simon Ulm